In the Travelogue Sofa project, Neil explored the relationships between traditional and contemporary textile print methodologies. Digital print is often associated with mass production; however in this project the limitations of digital design software are pushed to new boundaries with multiple layer applications creating engineered pattern shapes for a one piece of furniture.
Neil worked with the Upholstery Workshop in Broadstairs, which specialises in hand produced bespoke upholstered furniture. The Upholstery Workshop team has not previously worked with a textile designer who utilises digital engineered print technology. This proved to be an exciting creative dialogue as the textile design was developed alongside the construction of the framework and upholstery. This process allowed adaptions and changes to be made to both the sofa framework and to the textiles design. A central focus of the piece is a four-way pattern match, which presented the added complication of a pattern match to both visible and hidden areas of the textile design running around the 3D cushion shapes.
Accurate pattern cutting and multidirectional pattern matching, normally a skill acquired after years of upholstery apprentice, needed to be digitally mastered for this project. The need for accuracy required to allow for a seamless pattern match was extremely complex. Fabric shrinkage, movement and alignment tolerances had to be factored into the design process. For the Upholstery team this highlighted the differences of working with repeat off the roll fabrics and the digital engineered fabric. Working with placement or engineered printed fabric is more widely used in the fashion industry.
Neil's research into computer aided design programmes has yielded surprising similarities to the hand crafted screen-printing techniques that he has developed for over twenty five years. In this respect, he explores the application of computer-aided design from a craft perspective but with the added flexibility that digital printing offers, such as the ability to alter scale, colour, layer order, intensity and layout more efficiently. The result is a unique object, which has been designed around the 3D furniture form, encompassing both traditional crafted upholstery technique whilst developing a new level of expertise in the digital textiles design process.