> Creator > Porter, JoelNumber of items: 5.
Porter, Joel
The perception and fears of sharing personal digital data in digital public space.
PhD thesis, Lancaster University.
Such, Jose and Porter, Joel and Preibusch, Sören and Joinson, Adam
Photo privacy conflicts in social media: a large-scale empirical study.
CHI '17 Proceedings of the 2017 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems.
ACM New York, New York, pp. 3821-3832.
ISBN 9781450346559
Burnett, Dan and Gradinar, Adrian and Porter, Joel and Stead, Michael and Coulton, Paul and Forrester, Ian
Physical playlist: bringing back the mix-tape.
Human-Computer Interaction – INTERACT 2015, 9299.
pp. 72-78.
ISSN 1611-3349
Eilbeck, Alistair and Stewart, Hannah and Jacobs, Naomi and Quick, Andrew and Salinas, Lara and Porter, Joel and Harvey, Gareth
Meyouandus: interactive in-venue displays. Research and development report.
Project Report.
University of the Arts London.